
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

WW1-The Last Post

 When do you hear the song?
The last post is played on a bugle and is played before the one minute at a commemorative service. It is played at 4.55 pm, each ceremony follows the same format but each is a very different and very moving occasion. 

Why is this song significant/important to New Zealand?
In military tradition, the last post is the bugle call that signifies the end of days activities. It is also sounded at military funerals to indicate that the soldier has gone to his final rest and at commorative services such as anzac day and rememberance day. The last post only plays for about 45 seconds and is  ost commonly played at a funeral or memorial.

What is the history of the last post-Why is it played and when?
The last post was first used in 1790 and just one of the two dozen or so bugle calls sounded daily in british army camps. It originated with the british troops that were stationed in the netherlands, it comes from the dutch phrase doe den tap toe meaning the close tap. During the 19th century the last post was also carried to various countries.

What does the last post represent?
Like I said before the last post represents the end of days, after the last post has been played there will usually be a silence and maybe a speaker saying we will remember them reffering to the people who died in world war 2. The last post was made to mourn the dead and it is played on rememberance day which is on the 23 of april. 


1 comment:

  1. good job William,i like how you added lots of information to your blog post.
