
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Shark Finning

Shark Finning 

What is shark finning?
Shark finning is a delicacy in Hong Kong and China, shark finning is where some people will take a shark, cut the fins off and then dump them back in the ocean for them to die a long and painful death. It is said that shark finn soup has barely and taste too it, no nutritional value and they have to add some sort of broth to actually give it a taste. Keep in mind that the cost for this soup will be $140 New Zealand price. Sharks only kill around 10 humans every year however humans are killing 30,000 sharks every hour just for there finns. A lot of the companies that do shark finning are illegal, they won't let any cameras in the shops because they dont want to get exposed for what they do. A lot of the shark finns will be sold on the black market because that is the only way to see it.

Why is it a delicacy?
The reason for this being a delicacy is because people have been having this soup for 1,000 years. Back in the days people believed that it had medical benefits and they also thought of it as a massive victory over powerful sharks.

How is this impacting our oceans?
There is many reasons for this effecting our oceans and marine life. The first reason is how it can lead to animals going extinct, think of it like this Sharks are at the top of the food chain named level 1. If we wipe out level 1, level 2 starts to overpopulate because they have no predators. Level 2 then feeds on all the lower levels until the lower levels go extinct leaving the level 2 animals to starve to death. The next reason is that all the coral reefs that are beautiful will turn to a massive swamp lands due too less herbivores feeding on the algae on the bottom of the ocean. 


  1. Hi William, Tobey here.
    This is very good work and it has heaps of information. I like how you told us about different factors of shark fining.
    Next time you could fix it and reword it to more of your own work.
    Good job!

  2. Nice blog William very informative but like a fellow classmate said next time you could fix it and reword it to more of your own work besides that good job.
