
Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 Aim: To make a volcano that is similar to a real life volcano and make it erupt with elephant toothpaste.
750 ml bottle
Food Colouring
Dish washing Liquid
1. Stick a 750 ml bottle in the middle of the volcano.
2. Scrunch Pieces of paper around the water bottle.
3. Put glue on strips of paper and stick it around the scrunched pieces of paper.
4. After it is all layered you have to paint it over in the colour of your volcano.
Our volcano turned out really good but we could have added more red food colouring and less yellow to make the elephant toothpaste look like lava.
How do volcanoes form?
Volcanoes form when one tectonic plate moves underneath the other, when enough magma builds up it forces its way to the surface and erupts.
Lava vs Magma?
Magma is molten rock underneath the surface and Lava is molten rock that it above the surface.
Even though we started pretty late everything turned out good and I probably wouldn't change anything apart from adding more strips of paper onto the volcano.

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